Alan listens to everybody, then calls it how he sees it. The parties in mediation on a civil dispute need an objective look at trial and appeal. That way, everybody can work towards a mediated deal to end the dispute which considers their realistic day in a court. 

Win or lose in court, Alan has always learned. He’s seen when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em. Winning at a trial isn’t always victory because, sometimes, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.

Alan is no “number passer.” He’s seen first-hand how a number-passing mediator can just entrench the parties in their positions. Instead, Alan works hard in mediation to help all parties see clearly.

Alan sticks with it. If everyone pushes away from the mediation table without a deal, the case just hasn’t settled yet. Expect Alan to follow up after mediation is done.

Don’t mistake Alan for a jerk. He takes the long view – with a sense of humor.

Let us never negotiate out of fear.
But let us never fear to negotiate.
—  John F. Kennedy